Adele's Letter

To my children, Lyla and Ewan,

In 20 years time I hope you are looking back at what is happening right now and be thankful that the warnings and the science were taken seriously. I hope that you see a movement, a change, a momentum and I hope that you see every single person and every single nation doing all they can to prevent a catastrophic chain of events.

For this to be a realistic hope, we need everyone to put personal, political, competitive differences to one side and align on the things that matter most. We have to take responsibility for our role in the future of this planet and for you, our next generation, our children, our hope.

My fear if we don’t take action is that we all will deeply regret the challenges we have handed to our children, the challenges we have delegated, an impossible task. The challenges we were unwilling to take on ourselves.

If not you now, then who when?

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