Ava 's Letter

To my future grandchildren,

By the time you read this, I will most likely be old, frail and confused, but right now, I’m the same age as you, I am happy and very aware of what your life could be like.

Right now In 2023, everything is green! The beaches are are breathtaking! The water glistens in the sun and the sunset is the most magical thing you will ever see. However our environment is slowly getting worse and worse.

I just hope that we helped the earth and you in time. I hope you get the same feeling I get when I’m out in nature. I hope the meadows and fields are still as green. I hope that you can access food and clean water easily. Most of all, I hope you are happy, healthy and safe.

Unfortunately, no-one is listening to the experts and scientists. If we don’t change and act fast, your life and childhood will be put at risk.
Love from your grandma (Ava Faulkner)

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