Barbara Oldham's Letter

My Grandchildren,

I remain optimistic that the earth will repair itself over time and that your generation through education and tender care will have a huge impact on that.
Love nature, be good stewards of your small corner of the earth. Protect wildlife. Nurture your space however small to encourage the insects, birds, amphibians, and mammals.
If you can; grow your own food. To do so teaches you the value of what goes on your plate and will be pleasurable for you.Share it with your neighbour so that you nurture harmony and community.
To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.
When I tend my garden my head is free from the cares of modern life. I have planted and loved my space and hope that I can rest assured it will not be bulldozed and concreted over time.
With love to you in the future.
Nanny. XxXxXx
(Barbara Oldham).

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