Beccy Speight's Letter

Dear Freddie,

You were lucky enough to grow up in a beautiful part of the UK and I know how much you love being out in it (when you’re not DJing in Madchester!) I want you to know that I am almost three times your age and I can remember a far more abundant natural world than the one you have inherited – I would walk to see my best mate from school and clouds and clouds of blue butterflies would fly up from the chalk grassland at my feet. I don’t have children, so it’s you, my favourite nephew, I often think of when we’re shaping our work at the RSPB over this crucial decade – to create a world richer in nature, where people and wildlife thrive side by side and where nature helps us to address the huge challenges of climate change.

I believe the later part of my life and all of yours will be lived in very uncertain times – dominated by the climate and nature emergency. But I also believe that we can create a better future through these times – one where we have cleaner air and water, clean energy, where we grow healthy food for everyone, where we adapt to the changes brought about by the climate and prevent it becoming worse and where abundant nature is once again all around us, bringing beauty and wonder to our lives.

But it will be up to us all to make this happen. Think about who you elect as politicians to lead us. Think about how you use any money you have wisely. Use your voice to achieve change. Think above all about how you can be a citizen, not just a consumer, in order to make this future happen. We must all step into our agency. I think we can do it.

Beccy - Your Favourite Aunt On Your Father’s Side xx

Beccy Speight is Chief Executive of RSPB.

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