Cate Hickey's Letter

To Phoebe, Iris, Eve, Rosie and Francis,

I hope that you and your families get to experience all of life’s true pleasures – to walk through nature and hear beautiful bird song, to wander through a city that is green and not taken over by concrete and to dive into the ocean and find amazing creatures.

I hope that you too get to indulge in chocolate and wake up to the smell of coffee and that our generation hasn’t caused the extinction of these amazing crops.

I hope that you get to travel the world and see diverse landscapes, communities and wildlife.

I hope you get to watch your generation’s David Attenborough talking about how we saved animals from extinction and get to be in awe of how beautiful our planet is.

I hope that the air you breathe is clean.

Lastly, and most of all, I hope that our governments, policy makers and people in power didn’t ruin our precious planet for you and that the world came together to secure happy, healthy and sustainable lives for all. I hope we did that for you.

All my love,
Auntie Cate

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