Claire 's Letter

To my daughter, Frankie ,

I am so proud of you being part of your school 'green team' trying to campaign for climate action and raising awareness with your friends. You put our prime minister to shame because you have achieved more in your school than her government will ever do at this rate!
I am ashamed that my generation have inflicted so much pain on this world and it's wildlife and people. Our greed and ambition have created a hugely unfair society and the richest amongst us have not cared for others, only for our own gain. We have stripped nature of all that it freely gives us and we have trampled on it with no regard to the consequences. I am deeply sorry.
Now that we can all see clearly the consequences of our choices and the devastating future if we do not radically change, we know we have a huge responsibility to act immediately. You can see this, and though you have done nothing to contribute to the problem, you are working hard to find solutions. If our governments follow the leads of young people like you and Greta Thunberg, they can reverse the destructive path we have been following and make a greener, healthier, safer and fairer world. Profiting out of exploitation has to stop! I for one would rather be part of a poorer society that respects each other and the earth we inhabit where nature can thrive and we enjoy life, than a rich one that is dying daily.

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