gill gibson's Letter

to Clemmie, Arthur, Bea and the grandchild as yet unborn,

I want you to know that my lifestyle is the best it can to prevent climate breakdown. We have heard that our new prime minister has ruled against fracking but I feel there is so much more they could do but don't. In particular against fossil fuel companies who despite their protestations about efforts to be green continue to produce fossil fuels that should be left in the ground. Unfortunately, the government continues to listen to their lobbying and will not penalise those from whom they benefit financially. Our primeminister will not be going to climate talks despite the fact that nothing could be more pressing. Money has been withdrawn from green initiatives which would benefit householders too. Rest assured I will not vote for this government. A party that no doubt thinks that its families will be cushioned from the effects of climate change. I will continue to do everything I can but sadly I am not optimistic.

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