Gran's Letter

unborn Grandchild,

I am terrified when I think about the future you may grow up into.
What temperature will the planet be?
Will our town be under water?
What humanitarian disasters will you see?
Will you go hungry?
What will the natural world look like?
But I can’t be depressed worrying about what may be and I promise you that I will do what I can to reduce my own impact, to educate and persuade friends and family to act, to write to my MP, to vote for environmentally conscious governments.
I want you to enjoy this planet, as much as I have done. I want you to thrive in a just and fair community – locally and globally.
And as you grow up I hope you will be inspired to learn and act and change this world for the better.
You are loved and love will be a big part of your life – that is the best place to start.

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