John Calder's Letter

To my grandsons Dashiel and Jack,

Hello boys,
Between the years 1975 and 2022 the British countryside lost 70 million birds partially due to climate change but mainly due to bad farming practices and the overuse of deadly insecticides. Some of this is has been halted but as I write this the government of the day is looking to bring in legislation that could undo what has been done and further deregulate all the wildlife protections that we have now.
I hope that when you read this in university in ten years time that there has been a change of heart by our leaders and the number of birds and all wildlife has started to increase.
Your gran and I may not be around when you are in university but remember this one thing, our countryside and wildlife is precious to us all because we need it for our mental and physical health.
Lots of love
Grandma and granddad Calder

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