Jo's Letter

To my darling daughter,

I want a future for you where people and the planet come first, not profits.
I want you to be able to see and experience the wonder and diversity that is Earth.
My hope for you is that you are able to breath in clean fresh air. To dip your toes in the sea without fear that it is contaminated with sewage. I want you to be able enjoy all that nature has to offer without it being littered with plastics.
To live in a world where those in power do not use it for their own agenda or to ensure that wealth is hoarded by a few. I hope that the systems have been broken and rebuilt to ensure that minorities and those with the least are no longer suffering and diversity is celebrated.
I hope that not only do we show kindness and take care of the planet but we also do the same for those living here.
What terrifies me though is that you will not have this future as the planet and it’s people are not being protected. They are being exploited for profit and power.
Our current government makes me extremely fearful as they have decided to allow fracking and for new fields to be approved to extract more fossil fuel rather than pushing for renewables and holding corporations accountable.
It feels as if our government does not care for majority of the people who call the UK home, especially those most vulnerable or in minorities. It appears that only the wealthy and corporations are important.
My hope is that they will reconsider and realise their mistakes and reconcile these. If not I hope that they are voted out in the next election to make way for those who do want to put people and the Earth first.
I am holding on to hope even though at the moment it seems bleak, hope that this incredibly diverse planet will be protected and saved.
With all my love

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