Libby's Letter

To my future self ,

As I write this, the year 2030 seems so far away. When in reality, it is actually only 342 weeks away.

Roughly 342 weeks ago, the Paris Agreement was being signed following the monumental COP21. My concern is that despite the excellent progress made on this date, the steps we have taken since are nowhere near ambitious or urgent enough.

I hope that in 2030, I can reflect on the brilliant steps we have taken as a society towards a cleaner, healthier way of living.

I hope that in 2030, biodiversity decline has halted and reversed, and that we can begin to see nature recovery in full strength.

I hope that in 2030, we see all countries united on the shared ambition to actively and hastily step away from fossil fuels.

And finally, I hope that in 2030 I can look back and be proud of the work I have done to catalyse our shift to a more sustainable way of living.

Most of the population are now in agreement that climate change is real and that we are the cause. Change IS happening, and I believe that by 2030 governments and organisations won't have any other option than to actively implement change at scale.

All you can do is your best, keep going!

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