Nana Sue's Letter

To my grandchildren, Cora, Alma, Freya and Frankie,

I want to apologise for my own ignorance and selfishness and for the years of others unwitting contribution to placing the world that you are growing up in in such danger. I know now how urgent it is to take action and wish that there had been a whole lot more wisdom in the world sooner.
We have been blessed with a beautiful planet, abundant with life and rich in resources, but we have wasted precious time in keeping our cool, caring fairly and managing sustainably. I want you to know this earth again as it was intended to be.
For my part, I pledge to do what I can in the years left to me, to act with more care and to encourage those I have the opportunity to speak out to to do the same - as individuals or as people of influence and authority. I will be bold and honest, as well as gentle in my persuasion.
I look forward to talking to you, and learning from you, about how we can participate in the recovery of this earth that is our home - you will have much to teach me from the wisdom and passion of youth, I know.
Perhaps we will plant trees together, shop together in ways which leave a softer footprint and learn together to love that part of the world we call home, just as we yearn for others to be able to live without fear of the future in the places they know as home.

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