Nanny's Letter

To my beloved grandchildren,

I'm thinking of the world you will inherit from us. The one we have, unwittingly at first, poisoned. The world today is experiencing the devastating effects of climate change, and it is a constant reminder of our urgent need to act.

I hope that soon, the world will take more action to reduce carbon emissions and prevent further damage. I hope that governments, businesses, and individuals will embrace renewable energy and use sustainable practices in their daily lives. I hope for a future where the earth is protected and preserved.

I dream that you are living in a world where clean air and water are a basic human right, and where wildlife thrives in their natural habitats. I wish for a world where global disasters are a thing of the past and where the earth's natural resources are sustainable to support life now, and in the future.

I believe that it is our responsibility to act now to ensure that you inherit a world that is healthy, and vibrant. It is not too late to make a change, and I will do my part to work toward a better future for you and generations to come.

I love you.

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