Paul Vann's Letter

My grandchildren: Thomas, Ben, Frankie and one more on the way,


Dear Grandchildren of the World
(and, in particular, Thomas, Ben, Frankie + 1 more on the way)

This is to let you know how truly sorry we are that you have the Climate and Nature mess that we’ve bequeathed you - and that. to clear it up. you will need to work so much harder than we would/should have had to.

Some of us have tried our best, doing what we could locally, protesting to make the case for change nationally and voting accordingly.

But, too often, our Governments (including their subservient MPs) and much of the media (TV, print and social) have been in thrall to (in effect paid by) the fossil fuel and related industry cabal (the real sinners).

And too many people couldn’t see through this, falling for the lies and taking the seemingly easier option, ie not seeking to change how they or their children lived, forgetting of course about the generations beyond.

So please forgive us our massive collective sin and we wish you all the best in tackling the mess we have left you with. Continue to work to minimise our greenhouse gas emissions and help nature on the land and in the sea do what it’s always been good at if, as I’m sure you know, we nurture it.

Best wishes.

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