Quinn's Letter

To my future self,

There was once a time where I thought the world was immune; nothing could harm or damage it. But times are changing. And so is the planet. Global warming and many other worldwide issues are affecting the world by a massive amount and a noticeable change has been taking place in our time. the world is a beautiful place but is however being destroyed by us humans.

We can make a change.

If we put effort into making this world a better environment, it would become a better space not just for us humans, but for wild animals, trees and forests!
So, how exactly would we do this? Well, we can plant trees, seeds and flowers to make a greener space for all
We can reuse items instead of throwing them away to waste, reducing the amount of rubbish getting transported into the sea/nearby oceans. Even the small things like picking up litter from your local park or getting involved in activities revolving around the 17 sustainable goals, make a huge difference to our world.

We can make future generations (including ourselves) seek for a brighter future.

Warm regards,
Quinn Hill.

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