Sally's Letter

To our children,

I know that protecting our planet is the single most important thing to do. If we don’t do this we will make it a horrible place for our future generations. We will lose all the wonders that Mother Nature provides. We will be sick and we will eventually destroy our planet.

I am ashamed to say that humankind has become toxic to our planet. I don’t want this - my friends and family don’t want this.

We want to save our planet and we do our best in our day to day lives.

Our government has had years to create a network of renewable energy - there’s a lack of focus and I don’t see any signs this is being prioritised. They’re introducing investment zones - it’s hard to see that easing planning controls to encourage business will be beneficial to our environment. They’ve allowed water companies to dump sewage into our rivers and seas.

I want the government to make the environment a priority. Protecting wildlife, keeping our green spaces and using renewal energy. I want future generations to be able to swim in our seas, enjoy a walk in our beautiful countryside and hear birdsong. I want rivers to be clean and home to healthy fishes.

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