Sean 's Letter

Mr. Stephen Barclay,

I was disappointed to read the Government’s latest proposal on climate change and its emphasis on ‘The rights of motorists. Given what the experts are telling us and what we can see with our own eyes a change in our behaviour towards the planet is needed and Now. I wont rehash the mounting body of evidence to support change. What `I would share with you is that every time I look at my beautiful grand daughters and `I wonder what will they be saying in years to come about the failure of this generation to do something meaningful to save the planet.

The issue above is also closely linked with the enormous challenge of the movement of people from the global South to the North. I am convinced that the changes in climate which are occurring, most tellingly in the poorest parts of the world are driving people to flee. Turning Britain and Europe into a fortress is no long term solution. This is a world wide problem which demands that we come out of our bunkers and join meaningfully in forging a path forward. A small step would be for us to stop plundering the overseas aid budget to care for refugees and asylum seekers. This is wrong, the monies are suppose to be going to the poorest in the world and care for those who arrive on our shores should be the responsibility of the Home Office. If this means higher taxes, then this is price we have to pay.

Thanks for reading this. Sean Finlay

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