Sue's Letter


July 2023
Dear Eva,
Congratulations on your 21st birthday in July 2043.
I’m witing this while you’re still a tiny baby
I am so hoping that you will have a happy life and that your children and grandchildren will be able to enjoy our beautiful planet and the wonderful wildlife around us.
But I’m not sure that’s going to happen. I’m so concerned about the destruction of nature and the deep injustice at the heart of our system, especially the way we treat the poorest people in the world and our fellow creatures. We are dominated by rapacious companies and uncaring governments and try as we might, our voices are not getting heard.
And we are already seeing some of the worst effects on climate change, which we’d hoped were far into the future. So, I really fear to know what your like will be like.
Maybe we did mange to stop temperature rises? Maybe people saw sense in time?
I’m sure you care about this too and you will have lived through the consequences of our crazy policies. I’m so sorry that we have left your generation such a ravaged world.
I promise to keep trying.

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