Suzanne Raymond 's Letter

My four children ,

This generation of political leaders has failed to deliver the change that is needed to protect our planet. In spite of grassroot campaigns and great efforts, particularly by your generation, those in power do not appear to have the will or the moral courage to take the necessary action. Instead they pander to the views of some of the older generation, the fossil fuel industry and big businesses. Although it has to be said that some businesses have taken more of a lead than governments.
I feel deeply sorry and ashamed that you will bear the brunt of our failure!
As will many in poorer nations who have done little to contribute to the climate crisis. So much is already being lost: wildlife, beautiful and vital environments and security. We needed to act much sooner and more radically and we failed. Politicians need to be held to account for this but so do the electorates who failed to voice their concerns. I hope for a world where respect is shown for our planet, all people and the creatures that share it with us. A world where rules are in place to ensure protection for our world.
I know our failure to act will affect you greatly. Saying sorry is not enough.

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