Szczepan Grebosz's Letter

To my old safe,,

I hope you are content and healthy. 40 years on from writing this letter, I hope it was worth it.
I’m writing this letter at the age of 41. I’m strong and healthy now although the last two years haven’t been easy.
And there’s the constant fires and floods everywhere. People loosing their homes and loved ones at the same time all over the world. We always say it’s not gonna happen to me, until it finally does.
I hope 40 years later it will all be just but a bad dream. And you will be able to tell your nieces’ children, if they have any, how we nearly destroyed the world they are living in. I hope you can look back and be proud of the things you have done to do your own bit to make it last….
I hope.
And if I’m not here to tell the tale anymore, I’m sorry. I have tried.

Love, Szczep

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